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Bowling Notes

Basic Program Structure

Three main components

  • inputPlayerRolls: input all 21 rolls for the player and store them in a vector. If a strike happens, only input one roll for that frame. If there is a strike or spare on the last frame, input the 21st roll.

  • calculatePlayerScore: take the 21 rolls from the player and calculate their score. NOTE: You do not calculate the scores until all the rolls have been entered, this is much harder than doing it after.

  • printGameSummary: print out all the players and their scores and print out the best and worst scores. If no players were entered, print "No players were entered."

Scoring Examples

Bowling calculator

Spare: add current frame roll 1 + current frame roll 2 + next frame roll 1

Frame 1: 5 + 5 + 6 = 16


Strike: add current frame roll 1 + next frame roll 1 + next frame roll 2

Frame 1: 10 + 3 + 4 = 17


Double strike: add current frame roll 1 + next frame roll 1 + next next frame roll 1

Frame 1: 10 + 10 + 5 = 25


Frame 10 spare: add frame 10 roll 1 + roll 2 + roll 3


Frame 10 strike: add frame 10 roll 1 + roll 2 + roll 3


Frame 9 double strike edge case: add frame 9 roll 1 + frame 10 roll 1 + frame 10 roll 2 (not frame 10 roll 3)

Frame 9: 10 + 10 + 3 = 23 (not 10 + 10 + 2)
