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Boiling Water Notes

New APIs

  • Command line arguments

    • argc
    • argv
  • getline

    • optional third argument
    • getline(istream, buffer)
    • getline(istream, buffer, delimiter)
    • getline(istream, buffer, '\n') default behavior
    • getline(istream, buffer, ',')
  • stringstreams

    • istringstreams
  • vectors

    • push_back
    • size
    • []
  • stoi - string to integer

    • throws an error for invalid inputs

Command Line Arguments

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
// We need to make sure to check `argc`, before we try accessing anything out of `argv`!
if (argc != 2) {
cerr << "usage: ./csv-parser filename" << endl;
return 1;

// This will be a segfault if we do not check `argc` first!
const string csvFilename = argv[1];

Parsing a CSV File into Vectors Example

  ifstream fin(csvFilename);

if (!fin.is_open()) {
cerr << "File failed to open." << endl;
return 1;

// One vector for each column of the CSV
vector<string> personNames;
vector<int> personAges;
vector<string> personOccupations;
vector<int> personSalaries;

string line;
getline(fin, line); // Read past the first line. "Name,Age,Occupation,Salary"

while (getline(fin, line)) { // `line` will be "John,25,Engineer,55000"
string personName;
string personAge;
string personOccupation;
string personSalary;

istringstream recordStream(line); // `recordStream` will be "John,25,Engineer,55000"

getline(recordStream, personName, ','); // `personName` will be "John", `recordStream` will be "25,Engineer,55000"
getline(recordStream, personAge, ','); // `personAge` will be "25", `recordStream` will be "Engineer,55000"
getline(recordStream, personOccupation, ','); // `personOccupation` will be "Engineer", `recordStream` will be "55000"
getline(recordStream, personSalary, ','); // `personSalary` will be "55000", `recordStream` will be ""

personNames.push_back(personName); // "John"
personAges.push_back(stoi(personAge)); // stoi("25") -> 25
personOccupations.push_back(personOccupation); // "Engineer"
personSalaries.push_back(stoi(personSalary)); // stoi("55000") -> 55000

// We can immediately close the file after we have read all the data into vectors.

Calculating the Boiling Point

double elevationToBoilingPoint(const double elevation) {
double boilingPoint = 0.0;

// TODO Calculate the boiling point of water at the given elevation
// using the equation provided in the lab description.

return boilingPoint;

Math functions

double pow(double base, double exponent);
// natural log: ln(x)
double log(double x);

Creating a CSV Record (Optional)

With a struct, you can store all of the csv fields into one vector.

struct PersonRecord {
string name;
int age;
string occupation;
int salary;
vector<PersonRecord> personRecords;

Creating the CSV Record

PersonRecord personRecord = {
.name = personName,
.age = stoi(personAge),
.occupation = personOccupation,
.salary = stoi(personSalary),


Accessing the CSV Record

PersonRecord personRecord = personRecords[0];
/* yields:
PersonRecord {
name: "John",
age: 25,
occupation: "Engineer",
salary: 55000,

// access it using
PersonRecord personRecord = personRecords[0];; // "John"
personRecord.age; // 25
personRecord.occupation; // "Engineer"
personRecord.salary; // 55000

// or
personRecords[0].name; // "John"
personRecords[0].age; // 25
personRecords[0].occupation; // "Engineer"
personRecords[0].salary; // 55000