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Welcome to CS102.

This handbook will include supplemental notes as well as references, resources, and tutorials to help you with other concepts you will learn in the class. You should bookmark this page to reference later.

Where to Start

ssh/scp tutorial video ssh and scp are used to login to the lab machines as well as transfer files between your machine and the lab machines which you will need to do if you want to develop locally.

About grading this section goes into a lot of detail about the formatting portion of your grade and what we will be looking for when we grade your assignments

Vim cheatsheet if you want to use vim or nvim as your primary editor, the basic commands such as cutting, copying, pasting, etc.

Unix commands reference all the commands you will need to get around the terminal such as ls, cd, g++, scp, etc.

Lab machine environment setup after you can log in to the lab machines with ssh, this will help you install a better text editor and command line tools. I recommend everyone complete this, it should take only a few minutes.

Mac and Windows environment setup. Use these if you want to install g++ locally on your computer as well as set up vscode with C++. These will take longer to complete than the lab machine setups 30-60 minutes. Remember, if you develop your code locally, you still need to make sure it compiles on the lab machines before submitting or it will be graded as a 0.

cs102lings repository the README on this repository goes into great detail about how the gradescripts work, how to use them, what the output means, and several features they come with.


This site compiles a collection of documentation for CS 102 at UTK intended for helping students with labs or general course-related questions.

Sections Overview

  • Environment Setup - Setting up your C++ development environment and IDE for the course.

  • Tutorials - Tutorials for various topics in the course.

  • Reference - General reference and tips for the course.

  • Grading - Information about grading and using the gradescripts.

  • In-Class Lab Notes - Introduction to the new material needed for the labs.

  • Lab Walkthroughs - Step-by-step walkthroughs for each lab.

  • Debugging - References for debugging and other useful information.

External Resources